We are very proud of our school, which has been only supported by our Ofsted reports.
Our most recent inspection was a short inspection on the 31st January and 1st February 2024 where the inspection outcome was that we remained a GOOD school.
Highlights from the report included:
Roade Primary is a welcoming and nurturing school. The school has high expectations of all pupils to achieve well and be prepared for their next stage.
One pupil shared, ‘I just feel like I belong here - I love it! The teachers are really nice, and they make every lesson fun.’
Pupils’ wider development is carefully considered. Pupils have access to, and benefit from, a wide range of clubs, trips and additional experiences. This includes disadvantaged pupils.
If you would like to read our most recent report, please click the image below:
We would also highly recommend accessing the Parent View Ofsted section for Roade Primary School which gives you further insight into the views of those parents of our current children.
Please click the image below for a direct link the Roade Primary School's Parent View: