Computing at Roade Primary School should provide a diverse and robust range of learning experiences in order that children are confident and secure with using technology, understand how it is used and how to stay safe while using it. They will explore the creative side of computing, including the production of art and music, in conjunction with safe internet use, coding and how computers and ICT systems work. They will use a variety of devices, learning their similarities and differences and explore the use of software and hardware for each. This knowledge is explored in weekly Computing lessons where skills are developed from early device usage in Reception to high level content creation and evaluation in Year 6.
In addition to Computing skills such as e-Safety and Coding, children will be taught how to use the Microsoft Office suite of software. This is in order that ICT equipment can be used with other curriculum areas for presentation and data collection. We do have discreet timetable time for the development of Computing skills but our approach is to integrate ICT into other lessons: the use of laptops, Chromebooks and other hardware play a vital part in all areas of the National Curriculum.
Our curriculum is through the Barefoot Computing scheme with elements of Purple Mash and the National Centre for Curriculum Excellent, ensuring that our children get a healthy mixed diet with clear focus on skills development, creativity and E-safety. Subject specific software, one-off programmes and relevant hardware supports teaching and learning across all years. The children develop their skills, starting in reception with mouse control, keyboard skills, saving and printing work. They draw pictures, write and use the internet to carry out research. They then progress to more complex skills such as data analysis and coding.
To enhance develop children’s ambition for their futures, the computing curriculum is linked to ICT use in the outside world. These are demonstrated by how computers are used in different industries and with links to real world scenarios, such as laws surrounding computer use and simulations of machines and systems (e.g. inputting commands to Lego robots.) Where appropriate, the school runs extra-curricular activities for children that develops their ability to use basic computing skills, programming, coding and digital media.
By the end of Year 6, pupils will use technology safely and identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns. They will be confident with using familiar software, including basic word processing and presentation applications, as well as how to manage the files and folders of a computer. They will be able to critically think about which application to use for a specified task and enjoy being creative using technology.
Computing Threads
We have 5 threads that run through our computing curriculum, they are:
- Using computers
- Digital media
- E-Safety
- CodingICT
At Roade Primary School we study Computing as part of our continuous provision within EYFS. Computing is then studied for one lesson* per week throughout years 1 to 6.
Computing Road
Our 'Computing Road', detailing the topics studied through the primary curriculum here at Roade:
If you have any questions about our computing curriculum, please contact your child's teacher or our computing subject lead.