Transition from another school to Roade is achieved through the admissions team at the Local Authority. We try hard for you and your children - if Roade is somewhere you'd like your child to come-please follow the guidance on our admissions page:
Having had the best start we can at Roade, our children carry on their learning in many different secondary schools across the area. We strongly advise and encourage our parents to visit each of the secondary options, consider where their child would be best suited and to discuss the options with the leadership in each of the schools they short list.
The Local Authority have some clear guidance around applying for a secondary place.
You should apply for a place at a secondary school if your child lives in Northamptonshire and has their 11th birthday between 1st September and 31st August (year 6 in primary school). The closing date for applications is usually 5pm on 31st October, however you can still make a late application. Any applications to move schools outside of these normal transfer times will be processed as In year applications
Apply online
The quickest way to make a late application is online:
Some secondary schools require parents to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) in addition to the application made to the local authority. You should find out if this is necessary from the secondary school.
You can apply at your local library. There will be no charge for using the computers.
Apply by post
Download the application form and return by post:
Applying for a secondary school place
Please don't take anything for granted-go and visit the schools, pick the three that will be suit your child and your family. Academic success for your child is crucial and most children flourish where they are happy and challenged! Think about how they will get to and from school, think about their peer group (both for and against), think about where you and your child felt the most suitable for them. PICK THREE-do not leave it to chance. Remember that what is right for your child might not be right for other children-there is choice and it is important to make that choice an informed choice-so gather as much information as you can before you fill in the form!
What happens if you are not given any of your choices? You have the right to appeal to the Local Authority and you can do this here: